A power-law form of unit hydrograph (transfer function).

  delay = 0,
  a = 1,
  b = 1,
  c = 1,
  init = 0,
  uhsteps = 100,
  na.action = na.pass,
  epsilon = hydromad.getOption("sim.epsilon")



input time series.


lag (dead time) between input and response, in time steps.


the time for flow to drop by half after a peak, if c = 1. See Details.


persistence of the flow response; defines the recession curve tail.


curvature at half-peak point.


initial flow value(s) used in convolution filter.


number of time steps to use in approximating the unit hydrograph convolution filter.


function to remove missing values, e.g. na.omit.


values smaller than this will be set to zero.


the model output as a ts object, with the same dimensions and time window as the input U.


The power law form of the unit hydrograph is:

$$H = 1 / (1 + (t/a)^{b/c}) ^ c$$

where H is the fraction of peak flow, t is the time since peak, and a, b and c are parameters.

From Croke (2006):

Parameter a is the value of t (time since peak) at which the ordinate of the asymptote \((t/a)^(-b)\) has a value of 1, b determines the persistence of the flow response and c defines the shape of the response curve near its peak. The c parameter appears twice in order to reduce interaction between the b and c parameters (in this form, the c parameter only influences the curvature near t = a, and doesn't influence the asymptote, which is determined solely by the b parameter). The time for H to decrease to 0.5 is \(a(2^(1/c) - 1)^(c/b)\). While this is a three parameter model, for \(t >> a\) only the b parameter is significant. Since the value of the a parameter is typically significantly less than one (see Table 1) the recession curve can be written as

$$H = (t_r / t)^b$$

where \(t_r\) is some reference time (\(t_r >> a\)) at which the hydrograph profile has been normalized. Thus the remaining two parameters (a and c) only influence the response curve near the event peak, and [the equation above] can be taken as a single parameter recession model.


Croke, B.F.W. (2006). A technique for deriving an average event unit hydrograph from streamflow-only data for ephemeral quick-flow-dominant catchments. Advances in Water Resources 29, pp. 493--502.

See also


Felix Andrews felix@nfrac.org


U <- ts(c(1, rep(0, 99)))
  "a = 5" = powuh.sim(U, a = 5),
  "& b = 2" = powuh.sim(U, a = 5, b = 2),
  "& c = 2" = powuh.sim(U, a = 5, c = 2)
superpose = TRUE