Fits a hydromad model using R's optim or nlminb functions. Has multi-start and pre-sampling options.

  objective = hydromad.getOption("objective"),
  method = hydromad.getOption("optim.method"),
  control = list(),
  samples = hydromad.getOption("fit.samples"),
  sampletype = c("latin.hypercube", "random", "all.combinations"),
  initpars = NULL,
  multistart = FALSE,
  vcov = FALSE,
  hessian = vcov



a model specification created by hydromad. It should not be fully specified, i.e one or more parameters should be defined by ranges of values rather than exact values.


objective function to maximise, given as a function(Q, X, ...). See objFunVal.

method, control

optimisation algorithm and settings. See optim. The default is "Nelder-Mead" (a simplex algorithm). An additional method "PORT" can be given, which calls nlminb.


number of parameter sets to test.


sampling scheme -- see parameterSets.


initial parameter set.


if this is TRUE, then each of the initial parameter samples (based on samples and sampletype) are used as a starting value for a separate optimisation run, and the best result is kept.

vcov, hessian

if vcov = TRUE, the parameter variance-covariance matrix will be estimated as the inverse of the hessian matrix returned by optim(). This may be a very poor estimate! It can be extract using vcov. Does not work with method = "PORT".


the best model from those sampled, according to the given objective function. Also, these extra elements are inserted:


the result from optim.


the objective function used.


total number of evaluations of the model simulation function.


timing vector as returned by system.time.


See optim for a brief description of the available algorithms, including references to literature.

fitByOptim1 handles a single free parameter using optimize; it is called by fitByOptim, with a warning, in that case.


Felix Andrews


x <- Cotter[1:1000]

## IHACRES CWI model with power law unit hydrograph
modx <- hydromad(x, sma = "cwi", routing = "powuh")
#> Hydromad model with "cwi" SMA and "powuh" routing:
#> Start = 1966-05-01, End = 1969-01-24
#> SMA Parameters:
#>       lower upper     
#> tw        0   100     
#> f         0     8     
#> scale    NA    NA     
#> l         0     0 (==)
#> p         1     1 (==)
#> t_ref    20    20 (==)
#> Routing Parameters:
#>   lower upper  
#> a  0.01    60  
#> b  0.50     3  
#> c  0.50     2  

foo <- fitByOptim(modx, samples = 100)

#> Call:
#> hydromad(DATA = x, sma = "cwi", routing = "powuh", a = 7.87367, 
#>     b = 1.41609, c = 2, tw = 100, f = 4.77557, scale = 0.00128754)
#> Time steps: 900 (0 missing).
#> Runoff ratio (Q/P): (0.7028 / 2.285) = 0.3075
#> rel bias: -2.036e-16
#> r squared: 0.7508
#> r sq sqrt: 0.8364
#> r sq log: 0.8341
#> For definitions see ?hydromad.stats

## return value from optim (with 'objseq' added):
#> List of 7
#>  $ par        : Named num [1:5] 7.87 1.42 2 100 4.78
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "a" "b" "c" "tw" ...
#>  $ objective  : num -0.855
#>  $ convergence: int 0
#>  $ iterations : int 25
#>  $ evaluations: Named int [1:2] 26 149
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "function" "gradient"
#>  $ message    : chr "relative convergence (4)"
#>  $ objseq     : num [1:276] 0.705 0.773 0.782 -1.302 0.706 ...

## plot objective function value convergence over time
  type = "b",
  xlab = "function evaluations", ylab = "objective fn. value"

## repeat optimisation with single random starting points
fooreps <-
      samples = 1, sampletype = "random",
      objective = hmadstat("r.squared"),
      method = "Nelder-Mead"
    simplify = FALSE
#> Warning: optim() reached maximum iterations
#> Warning: optim() reached maximum iterations
#> Warning: optim() reached maximum iterations
#> Warning: optim() reached maximum iterations
names(fooreps) <- paste("rep.", seq_along(fooreps))
## extract and plot the optimisation traces
traces <- lapply(fooreps, optimtrace)
tracesraw <- lapply(fooreps, optimtrace, raw = TRUE)
xyplot("merge", traces),
  superpose = TRUE,
  sub = 'method = "Nelder-Mead"',
  xlab = "Fn. evaluations", ylab = "Objective value",
  auto.key = list(corner = c(1, 0))
) +
  xyplot("merge", tracesraw),
    superpose = TRUE,
    type = "p", cex = 0.5

## if you try it again with method = "PORT" you will find that all
## replicates converge to the optimum regardless of starting point.