Extract the feasible (or behavioural) parameter sets meeting some criteria. These could be used as a feasible set or to estimate prediction quantiles according to the GLUE (Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation) method.

defineFeasibleSet(x, ...)

# S3 method for hydromad
defineFeasibleSet(x, ..., thin = NA)

# S3 method for default
  objseq = rep(1, NROW(x)),
  frac.within = 0,
  within.rel = 0.01,
  within.abs = 0.1,
  groups = NULL,
  FUN = sum,
  target.coverage = 1,
  threshold = -Inf,
  glue.quantiles = c(0, 1),



in the hydromad method this is a hydromad model object which has been run through either fitBySampling or fitByDream to generate a large number of random parameter sets with associated objective function scores. In the default method, the first argument (x) is a matrix of parameter values corresponding to the objective function values objseq.


extra arguments to the hydromad method are passed on to the default method. Extra arguments to the default method will result in an error.


interval between samples for results from DREAM. As it is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, the sequences should be thinned first to remove autocorrelation and achieve an efficient sample of the parameter distributions. The default thinning interval NA uses the empirical autocorrelation. See window.mcmc.


the hydromad model object to be used to run simulations. Does not apply to the hydromad method.


objective function values corresponding to the parameter sets x. This does not apply to the hydromad method, where it is assumed that the objective function values have already been calculated. Note that objseq can be omitted if not using the target.coverage or threshold arguments (i.e. if just defining an error criterion with frac.within, within.rel, within.abs), so the original simulation run is not necessary.

frac.within, within.abs, within.rel

model simulations are only retained in the feasible set if some fraction frac.within of the simulated values are within a fraction within.rel of the observed values OR within an absolute difference of within.abs (typically mm/day).

groups, FUN

groups is an optional grouping variable, of the same length as the observed data in model, used to aggregate the observed and fitted time series. The function FUN is applied to each group. In this case, the error criteria frac.within, within.rel, within.abs are evaluated on the aggregated values, not the raw time series. Also target.coverage applies to the aggregated values. Typically groups would be generated by cut.Date (for regular time periods) or eventseq (for events). Note that the feasible.bounds (e.g. for plotting) in this case will be an aggregated time series, it will not correspond to the original time index. Use update or predict to generate bounds on the original time index.


fraction of the observed values to be contained within the overall ranges of simulated values (minimum and maximum on each time step) from the feasible set of parameters. Note, this does not refer to the glue.quantiles values, but to the overall maximum and minimum. The simulated values can be within the tolerance limit of observed values given by within.abs to count as coverage.


value of the objective function (the objective function used to generate objseq) used to define the feasible set: all parameter sets above this threshold value will be kept. Also this threshold value is subtracted from the objective function values to calculate weights when glue.quantiles is given. If left as -Inf, it will be set to the minimum objective function value in the final feasible set.


if specified, these GLUE quantiles of the ensemble simulations will be calculated and stored. They can be extracted with fitted and shown in xyplot. The quantiles are calcualted using the wtd.quantile function, and weighted according to objseq - threshold. If glue.quantiles is left as c(0,1) then the overall minimum and maximum simulated values are taken on each time step, which is faster.


a modified version of model, with added elements feasible.set, feasible.scores, feasible.fitted, glue.quantiles and feasible.threshold. Can be passed to xyplot, fitted, predict, update, coef, and print.

See also


Felix Andrews felix@nfrac.org


ts74 <- window(Queanbeyan, start = "1974-01-01", end = "1976-12-01")
mod <- hydromad(ts74, routing = "expuh", rfit = list("inverse", order = c(2, 1)))
mod <- update(mod,
  sma = "cwi",
  tw = c(0, 100), f = c(0, 8), loss = c(-0.1, 0.1)

## Calculate the set of simulations within 15% error (or 1 mm/day) 90% of time.
## In this case we do not need to calculate objective function values
## beforehand. For GLUE quantiles, however, need to give 'objective'.
psets <- parameterSets(coef(mod), samples = 300)
#> Warning: parameters not fully specified, returning list
feas <- defineFeasibleSet(psets,
  model = mod,
  frac.within = 0.9, within.rel = 0.15, within.abs = 1

## How many of the 300 possible parameter sets were retained?
nrow(coef(feas, feasible.set = TRUE))
#> [1] 111

## View ranges of parameters in feasible set
#> Hydromad model with "cwi" SMA and "expuh" routing:
#> Start = 1974-01-01, End = 1976-12-01
#> SMA Parameters:
#>       lower upper     
#> tw        0   100     
#> f         0     8     
#> scale    NA    NA     
#> l         0     0 (==)
#> p         1     1 (==)
#> t_ref    20    20 (==)
#> Routing Parameters:
#>         lower   upper     
#> tau_s 13.0292 13.0292 (==)
#> tau_q  0.5728  0.5728 (==)
#> v_s    0.4433  0.4433 (==)
#> v_q    0.5567  0.5567 (==)
#> delay  1.0000  1.0000 (==)
#> loss  -0.1000  0.1000     
#> Feasible parameter set:
#>          tw f scale l p t_ref tau_s  tau_q    v_s    v_q delay     loss
#> lower  0.00 0    NA 0 1    20 13.03 0.5728 0.4433 0.5567     1 -0.09933
#> upper 97.66 8    NA 0 1    20 13.03 0.5728 0.4433 0.5567     1  0.10000
#> Routing fit info:  list(TRUE, 2) 

## Plot simulation bounds
xyplot(feas, feasible.bounds = TRUE, cut = 3)

## Generate set of simulations with NSE > 0.5, for GLUE.
## First, need to calculate objective function values:
fit <- fitBySampling(mod, samples = 300, objective = hmadstat("r.squared"))
## Calculate 5 percent and 95 percent GLUE quantiles (i.e. weighted).
fitglu <- defineFeasibleSet(fit,
  threshold = 0.5,
  glue.quantiles = c(0.05, 0.95)
## Coverage of the GLUE quantile simulations (within 0.1 mm/day)
sim <- fitted(fitglu, feasible.bounds = TRUE)
#>               GLUE.5   GLUE.95
#> 1974-04-11 4.9134569 15.603560
#> 1974-04-12 3.9902576 12.379516
#> 1974-04-13 1.8160592  5.819653
#> 1974-04-14 1.7512514  5.715896
#> 1974-04-15 1.0651009  3.628814
#> 1974-04-16 0.7150688  2.528074
mean((sim[, 1] < observed(fitglu) + 0.1) &
  (sim[, 2] > observed(fitglu) - 0.1))
#> [1] 0.8964803

## Or - keep adding parameter sets until we reach a target coverage:
## Calculate 5 percent and 95 percent GLUE quantiles (i.e. weighted).
fitglu <- defineFeasibleSet(fit,
  target.coverage = 0.9,
  glue.quantiles = c(0.05, 0.95)
## Coverage of the GLUE quantile simulations (within 0.1 mm/day)
## (not to be confused with the target.coverage to define overall feasible set)
sim <- fitted(fitglu, feasible.bounds = TRUE)
mean((sim[, 1] < observed(fitglu) + 0.1) &
  (sim[, 2] > observed(fitglu) - 0.1))
#> [1] 0.800207

## Plot simulated GLUE quantiles
xyplot(fitglu, feasible.bounds = TRUE, cut = 3)

  feasible.bounds = TRUE, cut = 3,
  scales = list(y = list(log = TRUE))

## Summarise size of the simulation bounds: lower as fraction of upper
summary(coredata(sim[, 1] / sim[, 2]))
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>  0.0000  0.1608  0.2364  0.2600  0.3643  0.8062 

## Simulate on a new data period
newglu <- update(fitglu,
  newdata = window(Queanbeyan,
    start = "1980-01-01", end = "1982-01-01"
  glue.quantiles = c(0.05, 0.95)
## The new period is very dry, all model simulations overestimate flow.
xyplot(newglu, feasible.bounds = TRUE, cut = 3)

## Coverage of the GLUE quantile simulations (within 0.1 mm/day)
sim <- fitted(newglu, feasible.bounds = TRUE)
mean((sim[, 1] < observed(newglu) + 0.1) &
  (sim[, 2] > observed(newglu) - 0.1))
#> [1] 0.6977848