An exponential store (linear transfer function) which has a loss term, produces no flow when the store drops below a level, and can therefore model longer-term disconnection of a store from streamflow.

leakyExpStore.sim(x, tau, loss, thres, init = 0, return_components = FALSE)



input time series.


Time constant for flow from exponential store.


Constant loss that occurs while the value of the store is greater than thres. See details.


Trigger level to turn off loss, which can be interpreted as a store capacity.


Initial value of exponential store


whether to return store value (G) as well as flow (Q)


the flow time series with the same dimensions and time windows as the input x. If return_components = TRUE, it will have multiple columns named G and Q.


Storage is increased by effective rainfall and decreased by flow and losses. $$G[k] = G[k-1] + U[k] - Q[k] - L[k]$$

Flow is proportional to storage $$Q[k] = a G[k], G[k]>0$$ $$Q[k] = 0, otherwise$$

Loss switches off at some threshold, as a piece-wise continuous function. $$L[k] = L, G[k]>T+L (with T<=0)$$ $$L[k] = G[k] - T, T+L > G[k] > T$$ $$L[k] = 0, G[k]<T$$

See also


Joseph Guillaume with advice from Barry Croke


U <- ts(c(1, rep(0, 10), 1, rep(0, 20)))

## Without a loss, equivalent to expuh
##  Loss threshold has no effect
all.equal(leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5, loss = 0, thres = 0), expuh.sim(U, tau_s = 5))
#> [1] TRUE

## With losses stopping when flow stops, equivalent to expuh with a loss
  leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5, loss = 0.1, thres = 0),
  expuh.sim(U, tau_s = 5, loss = 0.1)
#> [1] TRUE

## Plot of unit hydrographs
  "U" = U,
  "loss=0" = expuh.sim(U, tau_s = 5),
  "loss=0.1 & thres=0" = expuh.sim(U, tau_s = 5, loss = 0.1),
  "loss=0.1 & thres=-0.3" = leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5, loss = 0.1, thres = -0.3),
  "loss=0.1 & thres=-Inf" = leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5, loss = 0.1, thres = -Inf)
), superpose = TRUE)

## Time series plot of value of store
  "thres=0" = leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5,
    loss = 0.1, thres = 0,
    return_components = TRUE
  )[, "G"],
  "thres=-0.3" = leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5,
    loss = 0.1, thres = -0.3,
    return_components = TRUE
  )[, "G"],
  "thres=-Inf" = leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5,
    loss = 0.1, thres = -Inf,
    return_components = TRUE
  )[, "G"]
), superpose = TRUE)

## Time series of loss
  "thres=0" = leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5,
    loss = 0.1, thres = 0,
    return_components = TRUE
  )[, "L"],
  "thres=-0.3" = leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5,
    loss = 0.1, thres = -0.3,
    return_components = TRUE
  )[, "L"],
  "thres=-Inf" = leakyExpStore.sim(U, 5,
    loss = 0.1, thres = -Inf,
    return_components = TRUE
  )[, "L"]
), superpose = TRUE)