Daily rainfall and streamflow for Queanbeyan River at Tinderry (Australian Capital Territory), from 1966-05-01 to 2003-06-07. The catchment area is 490 (BOM) or 506 (?) square kilometers.



A zoo object, of class c("zooreg", "zoo"). It is a regular time series indexed by days, in Date format.

There are three columns, P (areal rainfall, mm/day) and Q (streamflow, mm/day). E (temperature, degrees C).



Temperature: Copyright (c) Commonwealth of Australia.


Rainfall (P)

Daily areal rainfall (mm/day).

Derived from rain gauges operated by Bureau of Meteorology and EcoWise. An area-weighted average was used, with weights determined from a long-term spline-interpolated rainfall surface.

Streamflow (Q)

Daily mean streamflow (mm/day). Stream gauge ID 410734 "Queanbeyan @ Tinderry". Latitude -35.615; Longitude 149.348.

Temperature (E)

Daily Maximum Temperature. Product code: IDCJAC0002 reference: 00232595.

Bureau of Meteorology station number: 070014 Station name: CANBERRA AIRPORT Latitude -35.305; Longitude 149.201; Altitude 578.4 m.


#>      Index                  P                 Q                 E        
#>  Min.   :1966-08-04   Min.   :  0.000   Min.   : 0.0000   Min.   : 4.30  
#>  1st Qu.:1976-06-10   1st Qu.:  0.000   1st Qu.: 0.0480   1st Qu.:14.10  
#>  Median :1986-04-18   Median :  0.090   Median : 0.1102   Median :19.20  
#>  Mean   :1986-04-18   Mean   :  2.017   Mean   : 0.3750   Mean   :19.78  
#>  3rd Qu.:1996-02-23   3rd Qu.:  0.920   3rd Qu.: 0.2660   3rd Qu.:24.70  
#>  Max.   :2005-12-31   Max.   :144.430   Max.   :63.4275   Max.   :42.20  
#>                                         NA's   :55                       